A Quick Low Down on Healthy Weight Loss:
Losing weight is arguably one of the most common resolutions made each year, however very few people will actually succeed. This is because people tend to look for a quick fix such as fad diets, or meal supplementation diets. Whilst these may provide initial rapid loss of weight, it is not a healthy way of life and will be largely unsustainable. This means that once the diet is stopped, most of the weight lost will simply be put back on.
The only real way to lose weight healthily and to keep it off, is to eat less and move more. In terms of diet there are five fundamental principles that should be applied to ensure healthy and sustainable weight loss
- Decrease saturated fat and sugar consumption
For example; ready meals, sugary drinks, sweets and chocolate.
- Increase fruit and vegetable consumption
For example; apples, bananas, tomatoes, broccoli etc.
- Decrease carbohydrate consumption
For example; bread, pasta, rice etc.
- Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day (water decreases hunger)
- Increase protein consumption, for example chicken, pork etc.
These principles combined with an increase in physical activity should ensure a healthy rate of weight loss and a sustainable change in your relationship with food. If you require any help or support with this challenging process, feel free to contact Your Local McKay Pharmacy for help!